The Article 20 Network is solely funded by contributions from supporters like you. To maintain our independence and objectivity, we do not solicit or receive funding from corporations, corporate foundations or governments. Our reliance on public support helps us make a more meaningful impact.

Please consider making a donation today. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will support our fight to protect the Freedom of Assembly.

To make a donation by mail, please write your check to "The Article 20 Network" and mail it to:

The Article 20 Network

Grand Central Station

PO Box 1344

New York, NY 10163-1344

The Founders Club

Supporters who made a donation of $500 or more in our first year of operation gave our movement extra momentum. We are grateful to our Founders Club for their investment in the future of the right to free assembly:

Ursula Aymar

Janice M. Blair

Nicholas S. Constantakis

Amadis Cruz Gomez

Prudence Posner

The Pollination Project

Major Gifts and Planned Giving

You have decided that preserving the right to protest for future generations is your philanthropic priority or even your legacy.  Endowments, bequests and annuities are the most meaningful gifts you can make to the next generation's freedom of peaceful assembly. Contact us to discuss the plan which best meets your goals.

Amazon Smile

Make the Article 20 Network your preferred charity on Amazon Smile. Every time you make a purchase through Amazon Smile, Amazon will make a donation to the Article 20 Network. No fees are added and you still get your Amazon Prime benefits.


In-Kind Gifts

Let us know what you have in mind. Contact us through our web form. It's the fastest way to get in touch with us.